The 6 Best Fertilizers For Bermuda Grass of 2023

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For decades, Bermuda grasses have been the all-time favorite of millions of gardeners, known to give every household lawn a healthier and more stunning appearance.

But hey, natural sunlight and daily watering are far from enough; with the help of the best fertilizers, they can grow faster and stronger! Our guides on the best fertilizer for Bermuda grass will lend you more helpful pointers regarding the issue.

Choose one of these fertilizers, and your grass lawn will thrive all year round. Let’s have a closer look at our top 6 best fertilizers for Bermuda grass and what they offer.

Our Top Picks

  1. Best Three-in-One: Scotts 30178A
  2. Best Ingredient Ratio: Simple Lawn Solutions 16 4 8
  3. Best Grass Greening: Simple Lawn Solutions Commercial Grade
  4. Best Coverage: Andersons PGF
  5. Best for Fast Grass Growth: Scotts 22305
  6. Best Extended Feeding: Pennington 100536576

Best Three-in-One: Scotts 30178A

Scotts 30178A
  • Weight: 40.7 pounds
  • Form: Granular
  • Brand: Scotts
  • Coverage: 4000 sq. ft

Product highlights

Are you looking for a multifunctional solution to save money and time on research? Nothing on the market could beat 3 in 1 Scott’s 30178A product in this regard – designed to enhance grass and soil while filling in lawn gaps simultaneously!

Let us break down each capability for newcomers:

  • Seeds: Use Scott’s seeds to fill empty lawn areas, fostering a lush and fully-covered patio.
  • Fertilizer: Scotts Turf Builder offers an inclusive fertilizer option of iron sucrate, sulfur, potassium/ammonium sulfate, and urea. Their combined power balances the grass’s pH levels and keeps fungal diseases away thanks to layers of base buffs, ensuring your grass always stays healthy and green.
  • Soil Booster: Of course, no strong, lush Bermuda grass can grow on dying soils! Scotts helps maintain the soil’s nutrients with its highly-recommended additions of natural ingredients (peat moss, sawdust, organic compost, etc.)

There are no chemicals or toxic substances at play to put your garden at any health risk. So if such issues are what you feel concerned about the most, it’s time to put those worries aside!

We are also impressed with its seamless and easy application, even for beginners. Scotts even supplies a Scotts My Lawn app to calculate your lawn’s size and – based on the number you got – the needed amount of fertilizer.

Not many farming products have fused traditional methods with modern technology, and Scotts is proud to declare itself one of the first. Those who hate all the hassles of math and complex formulas can all rejoice now!


  • 3-in-1: Lawn filling, fertilizer, and soil improver
  • Suitable for late springs/early summers
  • Mobile app to calculate the lawn’s size
  • Easy usage


  • Flimsy packaging

Bottom line

The 3-in-1 Scotts Turf Builder Thick’R Lawn Bermudagrass product combines grass seed, fertilizer, and soil conditioner. The Scotts My Lawn app provides an easy application for beginners.

Best Ingredient Ratio: Simple Lawn Solutions 16 4 8

Simple Lawn Solutions 16 4 8
  • Form: Liquid
  • Brand: Simple Lawn Solutions
  • Liquid Volume: 946 Milliliters
  • Coverage: 3200 sq. ft

Product highlights

Some gardeners prioritize balanced, inclusive nutrient formulas above all else – and we believe this Simple Law Solution 16-4-8 will be the heavenly match for them.

As its name suggests quite clearly, the solution uses the golden 16-4-8 ratio to foster healthy leaf colors and consistent growth:

  • 16% – Nitrogen: The main chlorophyll component to give your plants lively shades. Nitrogen also encourages vigorous, risk-free growth to pave the way for a beautiful, dense lawn.
  • 4% – Phosphorus: Phosphorus feeds and protects the roots, particularly during early stages when they are still vulnerable.
  • 8% – Potassium. Thanks to Potassium’s nutrient and water regulation, the Bermuda grasses will benefit from better tolerance against extreme drought and temperatures. Scorching summers or chilly winters are no match for them but they will survive well.

While certain fertilizers only include/prioritize one of these three and leave out the other two, Simple Lawn 16-4-8 steps up the game to several levels. With all these nutritious ingredients, your garden will turn out gorgeous, thick, and teeming with vigor!

And though soil-boosting is not Simple Lawn’s focal goal, its ability to improve and enrich soils is still impressive. The package arrives with fish and seaweed emulsion – considered by many experts as among the best natural materials – that lends organic nutrients to even the driest land.

Long story short, if you want to find a premium solution in dry weather, Simple Lawn 16 4 8 is definitely the one you should go for.

And who doesn’t feel amazed by its super-easy usage? Busy people who have no free time to struggle with all the know-how will certainly gush over this. A sprayer and some basic gardening skills are more than sufficient to guarantee smooth, uniform coverage.


  • Golden ratio 16 4 8 for the best results
  • Improving soil quality
  • Easy, no-stain usage


  • Less coverage than advertised (only 2000 square feet)
  • Reports of bags being bent/broken due to careless shipping/delivery

Bottom line

The Simple Law Solution 16-4-8 provides a balanced, inclusive nutrient formula to foster healthy leaf color and growth. It improves and enriches soils with fish and seaweed emulsion and provides organic nutrients to even the driest land.

Best Grass Greening: Simple Lawn Solutions Commercial Grade

Simple Lawn Solutions Commercial Grade
  • Form: Liquid
  • Brand: Simple Lawn Solutions
  • Liquids Volume: 946 Milliliters
  • Coverage: 3200 sq. ft

Product highlights

Are you one of those who prioritize fertilizers designed solely for improving grass colors? Then you can’t skip the Simple Lawn Commercial Grade product.

The product is produced in a 6-0-0 ratio (6 refers to nitrogen, recognized for its ability to increase the green sides of your leaves via chlorophyll compounds). Thus, just a handful of the fertilizer can awaken the lively verdant shades in each cell and replace the yellow or red Bermuda grass patches, boosting your house’s visual appeal to new levels.

Gardening novices have also raved about its straightforward functions, – needing no extra tools except a spray bottle or a hose. Hook your hose, turn it on, and let the fertilizer spread its magic!

The accompanied manuals make it even easier for most users to get used to the product – all thanks to the short, concise descriptions and on-point illustrations. On the off-chance that they still do not help, you can always turn to the brand’s 24/7 service team for more support. How convenient!

Important: Note that Simple Lawn Commercial Grade mostly focuses on colors; there’s no way it could revive your dead grasses or cure them of diseases. If someone complains that the treatment doesn’t work, ask them whether they have applied the product according to its intended usage.


  • Greener grass colors
  • Easy setup and usage
  • Suited to varied grass types
  • Detailed instructions


  • Not specialized in grass growth

Bottom line

Simple Lawn Commercial Grade is a 6-0-0 ratio fertilizer that can awaken the green color of your leaves via chlorophyll compounds. It is easy to use and requires no extra tools, and the accompanying manuals make it easy to get used to.

Best Coverage: Andersons PGF

Andersons PGF
  • Form: Granular
  • Brand: The Andersons
  • Weight: 18 Pounds
  • Coverage: 5000 sq ft.

Product highlights

Most mainstream fertilizers have one major drawback: they are not meant to cover large patios and gardens, and you might have to purchase multiple packs in one go at a rather pricey tag (like the liquid ones from Simple Lawn Solutions). Andersons PGF is the better choice here if you want to, say, cover 5000 square feet with only one pack!

The fact that one Andersons PGF bag weighs a whopping 18 pounds speaks volumes about its capacity. Just do the simple math: the granular Scotts 30178A only covers 4000 square feet with its 40-pound weight compared to Andersons. Furthermore, it enjoys a balanced formula of 10-10-10 to foster a deeper and more consistent application across the entire area without wasting too much fertilizer on each square foot.

Long story short: Less usage means less material waste, yet better feeding and coverage. Only inexperienced gardeners will turn down such a deal!

Anderson PGF also does a terrific job at treating sick grasses and plants immediately, all thanks to its special nitrogens. Unlike regular nitrogen, these compounds are water-soluble, which results in a startlingly quick release into the soil. As a result, you don’t need to wait for days just to see their effects; the signals of grass improvements arrive almost instantly!

On another note, although Simple Lawn Commercial Grade is still our champion in grass greening, this Anderson PGF fertilizer is not half-bad either. Its extra addition of iron (an important element of the leaf’s photosynthesis process) and micronutrients can turn your Bermuda grass several shades deeper and greener than usual. Your lovely garden will wow every visitor whenever they drop by!


  • Great coverage (5000 sq. ft)
  • 10-10-10 balanced formulas
  • Treating early disease symptoms immediately
  • Sinking in quickly


  • Not suitable for agricultural usage

Bottom line

Andersons PGF is the better choice for covering large patios and gardens with only one pack. This is a great fertilizer for treating sick grasses and plants quickly, with water-soluble nitrogens that release into the soil.

Best for Fast Grass Growth: Scotts 22305

Scotts 22305
  • Form: Granular
  • Brand: Scotts
  • Weight: 12.6 pounds
  • Coverage: 5000 sq. ft

Product highlights

Fast results are what most gardeners aim for – and trust us, Scotts 22305’s assistance in this regard will blow your mind!

A quick experiment with the product reveals a powerful ingredient list of iron sucrate, sulfur, K2SO4, Potassium sulfate, (NH4)2SO4, and urea.

Potassium plays the main role in closing and opening the stomata to regulate and exchange oxygen and water vapor. At the same time, other substances boost sturdier and stronger cells to reduce wilting and water loss.

What comes out are the deepest-rooted glasses we have ever seen, sucking up water and nutrients at a neck-breaking speed. Don’t be surprised if your newly built garden only takes a few weeks to show the first blooming signals!

Scotts 22305 amazes us even further with the nutrients’ water-soluble, open-cell structures: they sink quickly and deeply into the Bermuda grass yet barely leave behind any stain on hard surfaces like sidewalks and concrete.

Gone are the days when one needed to spend hours scrubbing the fertilizer smears off their garden paths! The entire patio has a healthy, green, and clean outlook that will garner admiring gazes from all passersby.


  • Fast grass growth
  • No stains and smears
  • Battery-operated spreaders
  • Working on both dry and wet lawns


  • Clumped materials during winter
  • Burning issues if not used properly

Bottom line

Scotts 22305 is a powerful fertilizer with a powerful ingredient list of iron sucrate, sulfur, K2SO4, Potassium sulfate, and urea. It sinks quickly and deeply into Bermuda grass, leaving behind a healthy, green, and clean outlook.

Best Extended Feeding: Pennington 100536576

  • Form: Granular
  • Brand: Pennington
  • Weight: 14 pounds
  • Coverage: 5000 sq. ft

Product highlights

The advantages of quick-releasing nitrogen (like the Andersons PGF) are clear; sadly, their results are more short-lived than usual, demanding frequent and short feeding intervals. Pennington’s slow-release alternative can be your lifesaver here!

Sure, the soil’s solid microbes and micronutrient compounds take longer to be absorbed by your grass. But once they sink, they will stay there for a long time; these vigorous and powerful cells cannot easily be broken. You can leave the garden unfed for three months, and there will still be no major issues at play.

Even better, such extended feeding might prove handy when drought seasons come. Most dry periods like these often last for one or two months – which is still shorter than Pennington’s three-month gaps. Extra care and maintenance tips are still required, of course, but you will never have to risk seeing your beloved grass die.

By the end of the drought, they will come back looking healthier, stronger, and livelier than ever.

Lastly, storage issues are never on the horizon for Pennington’s users. The fertilizer bags are resealable, allowing you to open and close them like you would with typical food jars or boxes. No need to be afraid of fertilizers going bad due to air, a temperature drop, or invading animals!


  • Long feeding intervals (three months)
  • Strengthening grass during dry seasons
  • Thick and green color


  • Burning problems if not used right
  • Not really suitable for St.Augustine grass

Bottom line

Pennington’s slow-release nitrogen is a great alternative to quick-release nitrogen, as it takes longer to absorb the soil’s microbes and micronutrient compounds.

What Do You Know About Bermuda Grass?

Bermuda is often seen in tropical or subtropical countries, growing actively from late spring to early summer. 

They are frequently used on high-quality lawns, tennis courts, bowling greens, athletic fields, and golf courses. They can also be combined with other low-maintenance grasses to stabilize roadside banks and create pastures.

The grass’s low tolerance for cold temperatures makes it a not-so-ideal choice in the winter months. But otherwise, its other capabilities are pretty admirable:

  • Average Bermuda enjoys superior humidity, salt, and heat tolerance.
  • Their drought resistance is also no joke, with the roots reaching six feet (maximum) below the surface. As a result, they are more resilient against environmental pressures than other grasses. 

How to Choose The Best Fertilizer for Bermuda Grass? 

There are not that many criteria to look out for in fertilizers – but they all have important roles regardless. Note this information down and do not skim over any!

NPK Ratio

Our recommended NPK ratios for Bermudas are those with dominant nitrogen, low levels of potassium, and very little phosphorus. A great example would be 16-4-8 or 16-0-8. 

Other Ingredients

Aside from the NPK trio, you can find sulfur, magnesium, or calcium – critical for deep roots and faster growth – in specialty formulas. 

Those wishing to boost the grass’s metabolic activities can also count on products that contain zinc, molybdenum, manganese, iron, chloride, copper, or boron. Research carefully!

pH Level

Bermuda grass thrives at pH levels of 6-6.5. But if you choose fertilizers with higher pHs than these benchmarks (to tend to other plants in the garden), remember to apply some sulfur to Bermuda to lower their pHs. 

Slow-Release Or Quick-Release?

Nutrients from slow-release fertilizers can last two or three months, while quick-release nitrogen can only sustain two weeks of feeding. 

So what’s to choose? 

Our answer: Both. Quick releases have immediate results, – great for off-season maintenance. Meanwhile, slow-release options will do wonders for your grass during the growing season.


We do not say less-popular brands always produce substandard products; there are many exceptions on the market, actually. 

Still, to be on the safe side, it would be best to count on famous labels like Scotts, Anderson, Bayer,  Pennington, etc. Even in the rare case that your fertilizer underperforms, these brands will give you refunds without further questions asked.


After taking a look at the list of ideal fertilizers for Bermuda grass, we hope you pick the best one for your grass. Scotts 22305 is one of our suggestions for your Bermuda grass because it enjoys a powerful formula that fosters impressive grass growth in a relatively short time. Yet, the other five contenders on the list are also worth a second look!


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Kelly Lawrence

Kelly Lawrence

Kelly Lawrence is the CEO of Swipe Garden. Over 10 years in the writing and passion for gardening, she brings a wealth of expertise and creativity to the world of gardening. Kelly Lawrence has cultivated a community of plant lovers, making gardening accessible and enjoyable for all.