Fiddle Leaf Fig Benefits: 5 Amazing Things For You

Fiddle Leaf Fig and other indoor plants are popular because they are attractive and enjoyable to take care of. That’s a good enough excuse! However, there are also many Fiddle Leaf Fig benefits for your house and your health as well. Owning this plant is certainly not difficult, but you will get more than just ornamental value. Let’s find out why below.

5 Amazing Benefits Of Fiddle Leaf Fig Plant

When it comes to plants, you will immediately think of their ability to purify the air. Yes, the Fiddle Leaf Fig tree is also appreciated for this ability. But that is not all; perhaps you will be surprised by the significant effects that it brings.

Cleaning the air

Fiddle Leaf Figs are known for their air-purifying abilities, which is one of their most important benefits. Similar to other indoor plants, the Ficus Lyrata plant is also good at removing harmful chemicals from the air. This is due to the fact that plants have a natural ability to absorb and break down certain chemicals in the air through a process called phytoremediation.

Therefore, these plants can eliminate toxins like formaldehyde, ammonia, and benzene while also increasing the amount of oxygen in the air through their respiration. This plant may also get fairly big, and as bigger plants breathe more air than smaller ones do, they are better at purifying the air inside buildings.

Promoting physical health

No one can dispute the advantages of living trees for human health. Fiddle Fig plants and other indoor plants have been shown to benefit human physical health. The plant can increase indoor humidity, which can benefit those with respiratory problems or dry skin. Another potential benefit of these indoor plants is their ability to absorb sound and reduce noise pollution. This can be especially beneficial in urban environments where noise levels can be high and disruptive.

Improving concentration

Ficus Lyrata plants have numerous advantages for the mind beyond general well-being. Other houseplants and Fiddle Figs may also improve concentration and productivity. Specifically, this plant can positively impact mental health by reducing stress levels and boosting mood. When people are less stressed, they are better able to concentrate and focus on tasks.

The presence of greenery in a room can create a calming and relaxing environment, which can elevate our overall well-being. Therefore, the Fig plant will assist you in improving your ability to concentrate while calming your mind and encouraging clearer thinking.

Providing ornamental value

Anyone, whether a plant enthusiast or a bystander, may find the Fiddle Figs plants’ beauty to be alluring and captivating, which can be a bush or small tree with stems that produce white latex, and can grow to a height of 3 feet to 39 feet. Its leaves are large, rough, deep green, and leathery. The plant’s tall structure gives it a more elegant appearance than other common plants with big, lush foliage. The tree-like appearance of the mature plants adds a sense of grandeur and drama to any space; therefore, this plant will be a great choice for you to create more green accents for your home.

Improving sleep quality

The Fiddle Leaf Fig raises the oxygen level in your home since it produces so much oxygen during the day. They can aid in making your sleep better because a lot of oxygen makes it easier for the brain to unwind and maintain a deep slumber. Like other plants, the Ficus Lyrata plant can help improve your mood and mental health. This plant can also help reduce stress levels, which is a leading cause of sleep problems, including insomnia. Having one in your bedroom can create a calming and soothing environment that helps you promote better sleep quality.

Read more: How To Get Fiddle Leaf Fig To Branch? 4 Easy Steps

How To Take Care Of Your Fiddle Leaf Fig To Retain Its Benefits?

Whether your plant is still small or has grown into a large plant, the care will not be too difficult. However, to avoid making mistakes that affect the plant’s health, you should refer to our instructions below.


Fiddle-Leaf Figs love warm and bright light, so you can place this potted plant inside and outside your home. However, if you want it to grow in the best light conditions, you should avoid placing it in direct sunlight. Instead, indirect lighting would be a better choice. You can place them next to a large door or a window with curtains to avoid direct sunlight for a long time and rotate the plant every few weeks to ensure all sides receive sufficient light.


Because Fiddle-Leaf Figs come in different sizes, the amount of water your plant needs will depend on how big it is. However, you can tell if your plant needs more water by looking at the leaves. 

When your plant is underwater, the leaves will become floppy and turn a light brown color. If this condition persists for several days, the leaves will become crispy and fall off. In the opposite case, if your plant is overwatered, you will see brown spots appear on the leaves. Therefore, you can pay attention to the condition of the leaves and adjust the amount of water accordingly.


Fiddle Leaf Figs grow best in well-draining, organically dense soil with a pH of 5.5 to 7. When creating or buying soil for this plant, the most important things to consider are aeration, water retention, drainage, ideal gas exchange, and nutrient storage. In addition, avoid using heavy or compact soil that can lead to root rot. Instead, use a soil mixture that contains peat moss, perlite, and vermiculite.


To encourage the Fiddle Fig tree to grow fast and healthy, you should focus on fertilizing the tree in the spring and summer. This is the period when plants absorb nutrients and grow best. In the cold season, plant growth slows since you don’t need to fertilize as much.

You need to balance the amount of fertilizer by diluting and applying it every two to three weeks. A small tip for you is to ensure the soil is sufficiently moist before fertilizing; this helps the plant absorb nutrients more effectively.


A Fiddle Leaf Fig needs a humidity level between 30% and 65%. If you reside in an arid region, you should spritz your plant or provide a humidifier to provide your plant with additional humidity. A heater vent might dry out your plant, so keep the plant from being placed too close to one indoors.


The ideal temperature range for Fiddle Leaf Figs is between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. But you should watch out for drafts from windows or doors, fans, or heating vents when planting it. In addition, sudden temperature changes can also have many adverse effects on the growth of this plant. Withered leaves and fallen leaves are two typical examples.


In this sharing, we took you through 5 amazing benefits of Fiddle Leaf Fig houseplant. Besides, do not miss the useful information on how to properly care for the plant to maintain its benefits for your health and your home.


Janet Rory-Narcissus

Janet Rory-Narcissus

Janet Rory Narcissus is the Gardening Expert of Swipe Garden. She has over 15 years of experience in sustainable and urban farming. Her promotion of eco-friendly practices has made her a respected figure in the gardening community.