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Pothos Fertilizer: Ultimate Guide To Your Plant Nutritions

While pothos may seem nearly indestructible without fertilizing or extra attention from their owners, why do you need to give your pothos fertilizer? The reason is that with the perfect fertilizer, your climbing plant can achieve a lush and vibrant jungle look! Get equipped with all there is to know about choosing the optimal nutrition for this special plant.

Discover how to choose the right fertilizer for Pothos and the amount needed to take pruning stress in stride while supporting strong aerial growth—so those indoor climbs don’t stop anytime soon!

How To Choose Pothos Fertilizers?

Every plant needs the right nutrition to thrive, and this combination of nutrients is known as NPK: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. With a balanced fertilizer containing these three elements, your potted plants can blossom into something beautiful.

Pothos fertilizer ingredients 

Pothos fertilizer ingredients are a balanced combination of NPK

  • Nitrogen: is a vital element in the growth of plants. It works its way into protein, which forms most structures within the flora and gives them the power to flourish.
  • Phosphorus: is a key player, acting as an energy conductor and aiding photosynthesis. This essential nutrient helps plants soak up the sun’s rays to become strong and vibrant.
  • Potassium: gives plants the power to put down deep roots and ward off pesky intruders! It’s an essential nutrient for plant health and growth. 

Different fertilizers boast a range of NPK levels, from ‘basic’ 1-1-1 mixes to highly concentrated 10-10-10 formulas. To select the best mix for your garden, consider what nutrients your plants need and how much is required for optimal growth. But be warned: bigger doesn’t always mean better when selecting your soil supplement; pick wisely and feed accordingly.

If you have a pothos plant, instead of high levels of NPK, your green friend will appreciate something in the milder 1-3 range. After all, these plants are accustomed to growing on shallow jungle soils—a meagre nutrient supply is their happy place. When hunting for the perfect fertilized pothos plants, don’t forget to look out for essential micronutrients! These trace minerals may seem minuscule in comparison to macronutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous, but they are just as important.

When it comes down to pothos specifically, you’ll want a blend that has certain microns such as iron, manganese, copper, and zinc—all vital components of your plant’s health. If you have an indoor plant collection. General fertilizers can cover all of them, from pothos to other indoor plants, as long as their NPK values are set at 3 or lower. Providing a proper diet will give your beloved foliage friends the boost they need!

Some types of fertilizers for pothos 

Types of fertilizers for pothos 

Houseplant fertilizers come in various forms, with specialized mixes tailored for certain plants. With pothos plants, we’ve got you covered with our top picks for these popular types of fertilizers—all guaranteed to help your plant reach its full potential.

Liquid fertilizers

For new plant parents, liquid fertilizers are the best fertilizer for pothos thanks to their easy-to-measure application. Nurturing pothos can be worry-free. Look for a brand with an ideal NPK ratio and added micronutrients like copper, iron, magnesium, and zinc—essential ingredients for lush growth.

If you have an NPK fertilizer with a higher concentration, you can easily adjust it to create the perfect plant food for your garden. Just reduce the normal amount of liquid by one-third and transform 10-10-10 into 3-3-3.

Slow-release fertilizers

Perfect for busy pothos owners, slow-release fertilizers are designed to consistently nourish your plant over time, providing all the nutrients it needs without requiring frequent applications. Give yourself peace of mind knowing that your beloved houseplant will be taken care of even when you can’t.

When slow-release pellets come into contact with water, the essential macro- and micronutrients slowly dissolve over time. Using this method is a great way to keep up an easy feeding routine without needing frequent applications; just be sure to stick to regular watering schedules for optimal results.

Too much of a good thing can be dangerous for your pothos plant! Before applying slow-release formula fertilizer, reducing the quantity you’re using is important since too high a dose will cause “nutrient burn.” This has an adverse effect on roots and foliage, like yellowing or browning leaves that curl slightly. Avoid this by being mindful when feeding your precious greens.

Humidity is also important to consider when using slow-release fertilizers. High humidity can cause the fertilizer to release its nutrients too quickly, so it’s important to keep the humidity levels in your home moderate. If you live in a humid climate, you may need to reduce the amount of fertilizer you use or fertilize less often.

If you think you’ve gone overboard with fertilizer, drenching it with water is an easy way to help flush out any extra nutrients in the soil. Let a generous stream of H2O run for several minutes so that all those unwanted minerals are swept away.

Granular fertilizers

If you want to give your potting soil a boost, then granular fertilizers are the way to go. Although Granular fertilizers are designed for outdoor plants, they typically contain higher levels of NPK, making it important to adjust the quantity for optimal results for your potted pothos plants.

An included measuring vessel ensures that precise amounts can be sprinkled directly onto your pothos’ topsoil for optimal plant health and growth. Their small beads act like tiny time capsules of nutrients; when they come into contact with water, these essential elements burst open and fortify the soil around your greenery’s roots! Carefully read fertilizer labels and apply smaller amounts than recommended. The result? Vibrant foliage that never fails to dazzle.


You can make your own compost fertilizer by mixing one part kitchen scraps (vegetables, fruit, coffee grounds, etc.) with two parts soil. To make the soil more nutrient-rich, add a handful of worm castings or composted manure.

With its generous nutrient content and ability to improve soil drainage and aeration, it’s the perfect recipe for a thriving Pothos garden. You can also purchase pre-made compost fertilizers from your local garden centre or online.

How Much Fertilizing Do Pothos Need?

Healthy pothos plants are a reflection of the environment in which they grow. They require essential minerals such as potassium, nitrogen, and phosphorus to create strong root growth systems and stems, healthy leaves, and even enable them with natural processes like respiration and photosynthesis—just as any living thing needs nutrients for optimum functioning. 

Potted plants rely on artificial nutrients to sustain their growth since they don’t benefit from the natural decomposition of organic matter. To ensure your pothos thrive, start them off with fresh potting soil that comes pre-mixed with fertilizer; then, you won’t have to worry about feeding for the first six months. After this period has passed, regular nourishment will guarantee they receive all the nutrients they need.

Spring and summer are times of lush growth for your Pothos plant. Fertilise Pothos once or twice per month to keep them looking their best. In the Fall, reduce fertilizer intake to every two months due to reduced sunlight hours. During winter, however, it’s best practice to leave fertilizing alone as these plants enter a hibernation-like state in colder temperatures.

You should know that over- or under-fertilization of pothos can lead to disastrous results – not just an imbalance in the nutrient supply but also wilting leaves, browning tips, stunted growths, etc. The key here is balance. A slight shortfall or excess of either could be catastrophic for your beloved green buddies.

Homemade Fertilizer For You 

Homemade Fertilizer

Get your pothos looking as lush and green as ever with these tailored homemade fertilizer recipes! Give them the perfect nutrients to make an impact on their health without sacrificing natural remedies. Bring out the best of your greenery in a fun DIY way.

Crushed eggshells 

Feed your pothos a calcium-rich diet with this fantastic fertilizer. Just use it as an occasional alternative to regular watering every one or two months.

Banana peels

Add some vivid color to your pothos plant by utilizing the nutrition-packed power of banana peels! This simple and natural fertilizer will provide essential potassium, bringing out its most brilliant blooms. Plant it directly in a hotel garden or let it dry. After drying, submerge the peel for a few hours before burying it beneath plants.

Coffee grounds 

Pothos plants can benefit from coffee grounds, but these should never be used exclusively as fertilizer. Even though nitrogen found in the grounds is beneficial for growth, too much fertilizer may cause root burn and threaten your plant’s health.

Adding leftover coffee grounds to your pothos plant’s water or soil and incorporating them can help you achieve a balanced environment for optimal growth. If you suspect a nitrogen deficiency, consider giving this simple solution a try.

Epsom salt

Gardening doesn’t have to be complicated! Believe it or not, you can make nutrient-packed fertilizer with kitchen salt.

English Salt is the clever moniker given to this formula crafted from Epsom salts containing both magnesium and sulfur, vital ingredients for healthy growth. To whip up your own batch of English Salt, just mix one tablespoon per three litres of water and use that solution whenever watering plants.


Enhance the lushness of your pothos with unflavored gelatin! Though it may take a bit to work its magic, repeated applications will provide nitrogen-rich nourishment that helps promote growth over time.

Dissolve unflavored gelatin in hot water, and then top it off with 6–10 cups of cold liquid. When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, spread it on your beloved garden—you can even toss in a few chopped banana peels for an added boost! Doing this once per month will keep your plants happy and healthy all year.


Plant care doesn’t have to be a mystery! When it comes to fertilizer needs, moderation is key. Be sure not to overdo it, but if you do, fear not; there are steps that can help your plant get back on track. If brown or burned leaves appear, then pruning them away and flushing the soil might just save the day! Repotting may also provide relief in more extreme cases of distress, so don’t forget this helpful trick when caring for ailing plants.


  1. Do Pothos need fertilizer?

    The answer is yes. Pothos plants are voracious growers and need to be fueled properly if you want them to look their best. Their peak season is during the spring and summer, a great time to give your pothos plant some extra nourishment with either pellets, slow-release fertilizer, or liquid fertilizer – all of which can be purchased from any garden store.

  2. What fertilizer to use for Pothos in water?

    Pothos can flourish with just water and quality liquid fertilizers. Feed it every 4 to 6 weeks for best results, and watch as its roots expand up to two inches long.

  3. How to fertilize for Golden Pothos?

    If you want to keep your Golden Pothos happy and healthy, make sure they get a regular treat of ¼-strength liquid fertilizer every time you give them some water. To give your plants a nutrition boost in spring, consider top-dressing them with organic fertilizer. For extra protection from the leaf and plant’s roots burning, water the plant before adding any liquid food. 

Kelly Lawrence

Kelly Lawrence

Kelly Lawrence is the CEO of Swipe Garden. Over 10 years in the writing and passion for gardening, she brings a wealth of expertise and creativity to the world of gardening. Kelly Lawrence has cultivated a community of plant lovers, making gardening accessible and enjoyable for all.