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Baltic Blue Pothos Care: Interesting Fenestration Plants

If you’re one of the many who have Baltic Blue Pothos, then you know they’re beautiful plants that can brighten up any room. But did you also know that they need to be cared for in a specific way in order to stay healthy?

In this blog post, we will go over the basics of how to care for your pothos Baltic Blue so that you can keep them looking their best. We will cover everything from watering and fertilizing to pruning and pests. So if you want to learn how to take care of your beloved plants, read on!

Scientific NameBaltic Blue Pothos
Common NamePothos Baltic Blue, Epipremnum Baltic Blue, Baltic Form Pothos
Plant Typeperennial
Bloom TimeSpring
Flower Color Small yellow flowers
SoilSlightly acidic, well-draining potting soil
WaterWater when the top 2 inches of the soil feel dry.
Temperature60-80 degrees Fahrenheit
Sunlightbright indirect light
ToxicityToxic to pets

About Baltic Blue Pothos

Baltic Blue Pothos is one of the most popular types of Pothos house plants. It’s easy to care for and looks great in any setting. But what makes Baltic Blue Pothos so special? Let’s take a closer look.

Compared with Cebu Blue Pothos, it has a slightly darker green color with a more pronounced blue tint. They grow in clusters and can get up to 12 inches long. The plant is a vine that can grow up to six feet long if you let it, but it’s often kept shorter for indoor use.

Baltic Blue Pothos does well in just about any type of light, from direct sunlight to low-light areas. And it doesn’t need much “aqua”, making it perfect for people who tend to forget to water their plants. In fact, you can even neglect it a little bit, and it will still thrive.

Pothos with fenestration

Baltic Blue Care

If you’re looking for an easy-to-care-for houseplant, the Baltic Blue Pothos is a great option. This plant is tolerant of a wide range of conditions; for example, it can thrive in both low- and high-light environments.

In addition, the Baltic Blue Pothos doesn’t require much watering or fertilizing, making it a perfect choice for those who are forgetful about plants or don’t have a green thumb.


The Baltic Blue Pothos does best when it receives bright but indirect sunlight. If your plant begins to lose its color or starts to stretch, it may be getting too much sun. On the other hand, if your plant becomes pale or leggy, it is not receiving enough light.


The best soil for Pothos Baltic Blue is one that is well-draining but also retains moisture. A potting mix that contains peat moss or coco coir is ideal, but you can also create your own mix by combining equal parts potting soil, compost, and perlite. 


The amount of water needed by Baltic Blue will vary depending on the environment it’s kept in. If the plant is kept in a low-light environment, it will need less water than if it’s kept in a sunlit environment. In general, however, the plant should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.


Since the Baltic Blue Pothos is a low-maintenance plant, it doesn’t need a lot of fertilizer. Once every two weeks is usually sufficient. You can use either a liquid or granular fertilizer that is formulated for houseplants.


The temperature range for Baltic Blue is 60–80 degrees Fahrenheit. In order to keep the plant healthy, it’s important to keep it within this range. If the temperature falls outside of this range, the plant may start to experience leaf drops.


The humidity level that a Baltic Blue Pothos needs depends on the environment it’s kept in. If the plant is kept in a low-light environment, it will need less humidity than if it’s kept in a high-light environment. In general, however, the plant should be kept at a humidity level of around 50%.

This can be achieved by either misting the plant regularly or placing it in a room with a humidifier. If the humidity level is too low, the plant’s leaves will start to turn brown. If the humidity level is too high, the plant leaves will start to turn yellow.


The Baltic Blue Pothos doesn’t require frequent repotting and can be happy in the same pot for several years. When you need to repot, choose a pot slightly larger than the current one. Be sure to use a well-draining potting mix and water lightly until the plant is established in its new home.

Baltic Blue Propagation

In this part, we will discuss the steps involved in rooting stem cuttings from a Baltic Blue Pothos plant. Taking stem cuttings from Baltic Blue Pothos is a simple process that can be done with just a few supplies.

You will need a sharp knife or pair of scissors, a clean glass jar or vase, and some sterile potting mix. It is also helpful to have a spray bottle filled with water. Start by cutting a 4-6-inch piece of stem from the plant, including a leaf node (the point on the stem where leaves are attached). Cut at an angle just below the node and remove any lower leaves so that only 2–3 leaves remain on the cutting.

Dip the cut end of the stem in water, then place it in the glass jar or vase. Fill the container with enough water to reach just below the leaf node, and then add a small amount of sterile potting mix to the water (this will help to keep the cutting stable). Place the jar or vase in a bright, indirect lighting location and check on it daily, adding water as needed to keep the level up to the leaf node.

After a few weeks, you should see roots beginning to form. Once the roots are a few inches long, you can transplant the cutting into a pot filled with sterile potting mix. Water the soil well and place the pot in a bright, indirect-light location. Allow the soil to dry out somewhat between waterings, and fertilize monthly with a half-strength solution of an all-purpose fertilizer.

With proper care, your Baltic Blue Pothos cutting will continue to thrive and produce beautiful foliage.


The ASPCA omits Epipremnum Pinnatum as a toxic plant for humans and pets, but all species of the vine (E. pothos such as Global Green) contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can be harmful to your and your pet’s health if ingested.

If ingested, it can cause swelling in the mouth and throat as well as difficulty breathing. Nausea or vomiting may also occur for a long time. Recent studies have shown that the sap from this plant can cause skin irritation. As a result, it is important to exercise caution when handling or disposing of this plant.

The sap from this plant can cause skin irritation

Common Problems

Many people think pothos are very easy to take care of. While this is true for the most part, you could encounter a few potential problems with your pothos plant.

This article will discuss two of the most common Baltic Blue Pothos problems: yellow leaves, not growing, diseases, etc.

Yellow Leaves

If your pothos have yellow leaves, it could be due to a number of reasons. One possibility is that the plant is too “well-lit.”. If this is the case, try moving it to a location where it receives less direct sunlight.

Another possibility is that the plant isn’t getting enough water. Be sure to water your pothos regularly, making sure the soil is moist but not wet. If neither of these solutions solves the problem, you may need to give your plant a bit more fertilizer. 

Pests or diseases

Fortunately, the tough plant Baltic Blue Pothos is rarely susceptible to pests or diseases. You may experience common problems like spider mites, mealybugs, scales, and thrips, though.

Spider mites, mealybugs, and scale can be easily gotten rid of with a solution that consists of only 4 parts water and 1 part 70% isopropyl alcohol and is applied weekly. However, for thrips, you will need to use systemic pesticides, as those are most effective against this type of insecticide.

Leaves Have No Fenestrations

The most apparent indication that your plant needs something to climb on is if its newest leaves do not have fenestrations.

It’s also possible for plants in general and Baltic Blues, in particular, to develop this characteristic when grown too vertically; the best way to do this would be to use a sphagnum moss pole as support instead of relying solely on stem height alone.

Turning Green Leaves

The leaves of the plant will turn green if they’re exposed to too much sunlight. Therefore, keeping it in bright places without direct sun exposure, that is to say, somewhere like windows that catch strong rays, would not be ideal.

Care Tips

If you’re looking for an easy-to-care-for houseplant, the Baltic Blue Pothos is a great option. This plant is tolerant of a variety of conditions and can thrive in low light.

Here are some tips for keeping your Baltic Blue Pothos healthy and happy:

  • Keep the soil moist but not wet.
  • Provide indirect sunlight or fluorescent rays.
  • Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer every 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Repot annually in springtime using a potting mix specifically designed for houseplants. 
  • Prune as needed to remove any yellow or brown leaves. 

By following these tips, you can enjoy this beautiful plant in your home for many years to come.

tolerant of a variety of conditions and can thrive in low-light levels.


The way this plant grows is unique because the leaves have these amazing fenestrated patterns that look like mini monsters. They’re a lot less fancy than the window-style fenestrations on Swiss Cheese plants, but you can still see some very interesting patterns in these leaves.


  1. <strong>Do Baltic Blue plants climb?</strong>

    Yes, this vine can be grown either climbing or trailing, depending on your preference. If you prefer to climb, then use bamboo poles, trellises, moss poles, or even strings.

  2. <strong>Do pothos require direct sunlight?</strong>

    No, Pothos do not require direct sunlight. They will grow in low light conditions but will not produce as much color or as many vines if they are not given some direct sun each day.

  3. <strong>Can Baltic Blue grow in water?</strong>

    The Baltic Blue Pothos is not a “thirsty” plant and will quickly die if left in water for too long. It’s best to keep the potting soil moist but not wet.

Kelly Lawrence

Kelly Lawrence

Kelly Lawrence is the CEO of Swipe Garden. Over 10 years in the writing and passion for gardening, she brings a wealth of expertise and creativity to the world of gardening. Kelly Lawrence has cultivated a community of plant lovers, making gardening accessible and enjoyable for all.