Baltic Blue vs Cebu Blue Pothos: Why Do People Mistake?

There are many houseplants to decorate your house, but pothos always remain the top choice. They are easy to grow and blend into any home interior decor. Interestingly, Pothos varieties are numerous, giving you much more options. Yet, it raises a concern about which one is the best. 

In this guide, we will discuss the difference between Baltic Blue vs Cebu Blue pothos. They may look alike, but let’s read on to allay your doubts! 

Epipremnum Pinnatum Overview

Epipremnum Pinnatum is a lovely vine with green, elongated foliage. The leaves develop the characteristic splits as the plant grows. You can call Epipremnum Pinnatum “Pothos.” Although this species can endure gloomy environments, this may restrict the amount of variation it has.

There are tonnes of species of pothos for houseplant growers. Epipremnum Pinnatum Baltic Blue and Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue appear to be the most common choices.  Although the two species belong to the same group, they are two different plants. Of course, they share many characteristics that may confuse you. 

There are various Epipremnum Pinnatum varieties

Cebu Blue vs Baltic Blue: Comparison Chart 

Both Cebu Blue Pothos and Baltic Blue Pothos have long-pointed leaves, a common feature among pothos varieties. Moreover, the leaves of both are blueish-green. The two species also share their growing requirements, including temperature, light, humidity levels, and watering. So are they the same? No. This comparison table will help you see how the two species are different from each other.

Criteria Cebu Blue Pothos Baltic Blue Pothos 
Leaf size Smaller Larger 
FenestrationLater Earlier 
Leaf textureBumpy and scalySmoother 
Shade of silver Silver sheenDark green 

Why Are Baltic Blue and Cebu Blue Usually Mistaken For Each Other?

People often mistake Baltic Blue vs. Cebu Blue Pothos and vice versa because of their similarities, which include leaf shape and growing requirements.

Leaf shape 

Pothos plants are famous for their elongated and pointed leaves, which resemble a heart. You can find this feature in both Baltic Blue Pothos and Cebu Blue Pothos. 

Growing requirements 

Most of the growth requirements for the Cebu Blue and Baltic Blue pothos are the same, including high humidity, warm temperatures, bright indirect light, and frequent watering. Moreover, Baltic Blue pothos and Cebu Blue pothos are common houseplants because they require low maintenance. You don’t need to do much work for your plants to stay healthy. Besides, the two species suffer from the same issues, such as root rot, transplant shock, sap-sucking insects, and overwatering. 

As a result, you can use the same treatment on both. Your tasks include establishing a proper watering plan, keeping the soil moist but not soaked, and checking for insects. Although both Cebu Blue and Baltic Blue pothos are easy to care for, you need to follow some tips to give the two plants the best conditions.

How To Distinguish Baltic Blue vs Cebu Blue Pothos? 

No matter how similar they look, Baltic Blue pothos vs Cebu Blue pothos are two different species. You can distinguish them based on these factors. 

Leaf size

First, if you place a Baltic Blue pothos next to a Cebu Blue pothos, you may realize that Cebu Blue leaves are smaller. 


Pothos leaves may split naturally as part of the developmental process or as a consequence of an environmental problem that results in holes in the leaves. When splits occur as a result of pothos plants maturing, we call them “fenestrations.” Some pothos plants can mature after more than 15 years, while others do so much faster.

Both Baltic Blue pothos and Cebu Blue pothos can produce fenestrations. However, this process is more challenging in Cebu Blue since it has to climb on the hanging basket and be subjected to direct sunlight to fenestrate. Hence, it will be later. On the other hand, Baltic Blue pothos can fenestrate more frequently and easier, even on their new leaves. You can also encourage bushier growth in your plant both outdoors and indoors.

Leaf texture

The texture of the leaves is the main difference between Baltic Blue Pothos vs Cebu Blue Pothos. The leaves of the Cebu Blue Pothos are rough or scaly, but those of the Baltic Blue Pothos are smoother.

Shade of silver

The leaves of Cebu Blue are rough. However, they will have a nice appearance when paired with their silverish sheen. Meanwhile, Baltic Blue pothos have a darker green color. But thanks to the smooth texture, the leaves establish an elegant impression.


Epipremnum Pinnatum Baltic Blue and Cebu Blue are two different plants, although they have many similarities. You can distinguish them by checking their leaf size, color, and texture. Their fenestrations are another feature to check.

Hopefully, you will find this guide helpful. For any further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you for reading!


Kelly Lawrence

Kelly Lawrence

Kelly Lawrence is the CEO of Swipe Garden. Over 10 years in the writing and passion for gardening, she brings a wealth of expertise and creativity to the world of gardening. Kelly Lawrence has cultivated a community of plant lovers, making gardening accessible and enjoyable for all.