Can You Use Cactus Soil For Other Plants? Surprise Answer

Can you use cactus soil for other plants? If you can alter or adapt the soil to match the plant’s needs, you may utilize cactus soil for conventional plants. This post debunks some common misconceptions about using regular houseplants with cactus soil. Let’s get going!

Can You Use Cactus Soil For Other Plants?

Yes, cactus soil can be used for other plants. However, you need to modify the cactus soil to provide improved moisture and nourishment. Cactus soil does not necessarily lack nutrients and can be modified to provide improved moisture. Other houseplants and succulents that don’t need moisture or water may thrive in this type of soil.

Most people use cactus soil for indoor plants like bonsai trees, succulent plants, and cactus plants. It can provide your plants with the best development possible if you arrange them in the optimum circumstances and care for them.

Its moisture-storing capacity enables it to endure drought seasons and desert environments. In addition, cactus roots have difficulty responding effectively to persistent wetness because desert soil rarely becomes wet for an extended period.

They may decay or die if you allow them to get wet or stay too long in the liquid. You must use well-drained soil to help your cactus plants avoid getting too much moisture. The cactus soil meets that requirement nicely.

What Components Are Inside Cactus Soil?

Stones and gritty sand are often available in cactus soil mixtures. Stones offer critical air spaces and help with water drainage, while sand promotes drainage and gives the combination some weight. Compost supplies nutrients and promotes microbial development. Perlite assists in strengthening the soil’s structure and drains extra moisture.

Pumice may also be present in a cactus soil mixture. It enhances drainage and removes surplus moisture from the soil even after the water has percolated through it. It has a high concentration of trace minerals to stimulate microbial development and doesn’t disintegrate over time. The cactus soil may also include volcanic rocks to aid with drainage.

Peat or coir may be present in cactus soil. It gives the soil a combination of form and structure, which aids in retaining water for extended periods. These components are the fundamental distinction between cactus mix and potting soil. Buying pre-made cactus soil guarantees that it includes everything the cactus needs.

However, it is still simple to create your cactus soil mix. Combine two parts perlite or pumice, three parts coarse sand or gravel, and three parts potting soil. Use caution when using fertilizer-containing potting soil blends. They may scorch cactus roots and promote lanky growth.

What Kind Of Soil Do Regular Plants Like?

Typical plants do not require a specific kind of soil. But if you wish to nurture your newly purchased plants, you must consider their requirements seriously. For example, check the soil structure since it is essential to determine the type of soil you need.

In contrast, the soil’s ability to drain effectively and its nutrient content generally make up the soil texture. It results from the soil’s existence of sand, clay, and sand in addition to their specific proportions.

If you seek the answer to the question, Can you use succulent soil for regular plants, you’d better learn what they prefer and what kind of soil.

There will be three essential factors that create soil composition:

  • Sand: Despite having no nutrients of any specific kind, sand aids in soil drainage and aeration. It is also incredibly light and helps the soil retain and add oxygen.
  • Clay: Although clay doesn’t have a very dense nutrient content, it can hold onto water for longer. Although clay doesn’t have a very dense nutrient content, it can hold onto water for longer.
  • Slits: These have a high concentration of rich nutrients yet stay moist for a long time since they hold a lot of water.

It is crucial to consider the position where you want to plant because you cannot use a similar type of soil outside in an indoor environment. Indoor plants do better in soil that drains to prevent insect infestations.

Can I Use Cactus Soil For Herbs?

Yes, but not all herbs will benefit from the qualities of cactus soil. Some plants require highly wet surroundings for growth. Herbs that thrive in arid environments grow best in cactus soil. Try out some of these plants.


Sage is a potent plant that is indigenous to the Mediterranean. It’s a tough little plant that continues to develop under all conditions. However, it does like soil that drains well. It enjoys plenty of sunshine.


Another plant from the Mediterranean region is rosemary. Although this plant may grow in damp environments, it thrives on soil that drains well.

The excellent drainage and strategically placed watering may enhance its flavor.


A common ingredient in many cultures and cuisines is this well-known plant. It contains tasty leaves that are also quite vitamin-rich. Overwatering is not good for the oregano plant. It needs suitable drainage. Only water the plant when the soil is dry. Cactus soil is a suitable growth medium as a consequence.


Thyme is a great drought-tolerant plant that thrives in cactus soil. It requires sufficient drainage to be healthy.


Bay is a fantastic herb. Since it enjoys damp soil, it will need regular watering. On the other hand, avoiding root rot still requires sufficient drainage.

What’s The Difference Between Cactus Soil And Regular Soil?

Before answering the question, “Can I use succulent soil for other plants” let’s learn the difference between this type of soil and potting soil.

Between porting and cactus soil, there is a big difference. Typical outside plants cannot be grown in cactus soil, while succulent and cactus plants cannot be grown in organic potting soil.

Specifically, potting soil is a horticultural medium rich in minerals, nutrients, and decomposed organic matter. You may sometimes use it in place of potting mix. However, while many indoor plants can thrive in cactus soil, not all of them do.

Let’s figure out the critical distinctions between cactus soil and potting soil.


Potting soil can vary in moisture content and is not always perpetually damp. Cactus soil does not absorb moisture and does not remain soggy and watery. It is perfect for indoor plants with roots that are effective at drinking water and don’t need a lot of water.

Organic ingredients

Potting soil includes more organic content than regular soil, which is ideal for plants. However, there is not much organic matter in the cactus soil.

Both organic and inorganic materials are available in its construction. The little organic matter makes the soil more compacted and aerated, which improves water retention and drainage in the cactus soil.

The ratio of nutrients

The presence of more organic material makes it clear that organic soil has more nutrients. As a result, the potting soil has more nutrients.

Contrary to potting soil, however, cactus soil may have a lower concentration of organic matter compared to potting soil, but it can still contain some minerals and organic material. However, houseplants and cacti don’t need a lot of nutrients and are used to growing on very little water.


The aeration method does not work well with organic or potting soil. It has a lot of moisture, and the earth holds onto that moisture.

However, the situation with cactus soil is different. While cactus soil can have improved aeration compared to potting soil, its moisture retention rate may vary depending on the specific mixture.

Light and fluffy cactus soil is ideal for succulents or cactus plants that need appropriate aeration. Additionally, this soil airflow aids in retaining precisely the right amount of water, keeping the soil healthy and loosely compacted.


The cactus dirt will aid in improved drainage. The organic soil does not drain well and retains water for most of the day. Some people choose cactus soil over potting for their cactus succulents and other indoor plants because of the bad potting soil.

Regular potting soil or African violet dirt may not be ideal for cactus plants due to their moisture retention and fertilizer additives. However, once again, avoid using them on their own since they contain an excessive amount of organic matter that retains moisture and can include fertilizer additives.


In the end, you have already answered the question: “Can you use cactus soil for other plants” Other succulents and indoor plants that don’t need moisture or water may thrive in this soil type. Each plant has different requirements. So always check them more closely before adding cactus soil to your plant’s potting mix.

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Kelly Lawrence

Kelly Lawrence

Kelly Lawrence is the CEO of Swipe Garden. Over 10 years in the writing and passion for gardening, she brings a wealth of expertise and creativity to the world of gardening. Kelly Lawrence has cultivated a community of plant lovers, making gardening accessible and enjoyable for all.