It can be a little intimidating to propagate a plant for the first time, but it is a straightforward process at the same time. With just a little time and effort, you can be well on your way to propagating your pothos plants. As a pothos lover, you might know the Epipremnum aureum Marble Queen, or Marble Queen for short. The plant has the typical variegation pattern of green and creamy white streaks. If you want to have many more of these plants in your house without losing much time and money. Please read our complete guide to propagating Marble Queen pothos.
The best time to propagate marble queen pothos
The best time to propagate a pothos plant is when the plant is actively growing, so spring through summer is ideal. However, you can propagate any time of year if you provide the propagated pothos cuttings with adequate humidity and warmth.
If you take cuttings when the tree is growing well, you will get countless benefits from this process. One benefit is that it allows for asexual reproduction. This type of reproduction results in new plants that are genetically identical to the parent plants, and it is advantageous when you want to create a replica of a prized specimen.
Also, propagating Marble Queen by division often produces more robust plants with more stems and leaves than those grown from seeds. Therefore, you can expect healthy and vigorous plants that fill your garden or container planting scheme quickly. If you notice your Marble Queen Pothos leaves turning yellow, adjust the watering and sunlight conditions accordingly.

Propagate a Marble Queen Pothos using stem cuttings
The process of propagating Marble Queen Pothos using stem cuttings is similar to propagating Snow Queen Pothos. To grow new Marble Queen Pothos using stem cuttings, you will need the following:
- A plant with healthy stems
- A sharp knife or scissors
- A small container
- A transparent plastic bag
Step 1: Prepare a small container with drainage holes at the bottom and fill it halfway with sterile growth media.
Step 2: Find a healthy stem cutting 6–8 inches long with at least one leaf at the tip and one leaf node near the base of the stem. Avoid any cuttings that have damaged or diseased leaves, flaws, or evidence of sickness on the stem.
Step 3: Cut slightly beneath the leaves on the stem using a sharp, clean knife. Remove the leaves above the incision. If desired, you can use commercially produced rooting hormones at this point.
Step 4: Use a pencil and your finger to make a large planting hole in the growth media to accept the bottom 1/3 of the stem cutting. Insert the cutting into the hole and gently press the growth media around it.
Step 5: Water the growth media until it drains quickly from the pores in the pot’s base. Allow the surplus water to run off the pot’s drainage holes for 5–10 minutes.
Step 6: Put the container inside a transparent plastic bag large enough to cover the cut without touching the foliage. Tape the bag closed to increase humidity and create a mini-greenhouse effect.
Step 7: Place the container in a warm, light area of the house where the temperature stays between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Protect the container from direct sunlight, which could stress the cut and cause it to die.
Step 8: After three weeks, lightly tug on the cutting’s base to check for roots. The cutting will not budge from the growth media if it is rooted. Once the roots have developed, you can transplant the cutting into a permanent container.
Step 9: Two weeks after the cutting has been done, transplant it into a permanent soil-filled container. Use a pot with at least one drainage hole and fill the plant with a balanced soil mix of half peat moss and half perlite. Water the soil until it is evenly moist but not soggy. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again. Pothos tolerates many light conditions, from low light to bright indirect light. Fertilize monthly with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season.
Propagate a Marble Queen plant through the division of the mother plant
To grow Marble Queen Pothos from a parent plant, you will need the following:
- A healthy-looking plant
- A sharp knife
- Plastic wrap
- Rooting hormone
- Sphagnum moss
Step 1: Before you start propagating your pothos, make sure it’s healthy and free of pests and diseases. Gather a sharp knife and some sphagnum moss, which you can purchase at most garden stores.
Step 2: Locate a good-looking stem on the plant that is at least 12 inches long with several leaves at the tip. At 4-6 inches up from the stem’s tip, make a slanted and diagonal cut approximately 1/4 inch of the way through. Be careful not to sever the stem entirely.
Step 3: To keep the incision open during the rooting process, prop it open with a thin piece of toothpick. If desired, apply the rooting hormone to the cut and exposed growth nodes.
Step 4: Soak the sphagnum moss in water until it is plump, then squeeze out the excess liquid. Wrap the wet sphagnum moss around the cut piece of stem, making sure to cover the exposed growth node.
Step 5: Secure the sphagnum moss ball in plastic wrap using an electrician’s or duct tape. Make sure the stem is well covered and that the seam is tightly sealed. Use a twist knot to secure the top of the plastic wrap around the stem so you can easily open it for watering.
Step 6: Check on the sphagnum moss regularly to make sure it does not dry out completely. If it starts to look light tan, remove the top of the plastic wrap and add water until the moss is moist but not soggy.
Step 7: In 4-6 weeks, roots should start to emerge from the sphagnum moss. Once they have emerged, cut the stem above the moss ball and plant it in regular potting soil. At this point, practice pothos care: give this pothos plant bright, indirect sunlight to nourish it, and apply a little water to keep the soil moist but not soggy, which will avoid root rot.

Marble Queen pothos propagation is a great way to get new plants for your home or garden. By following the simple steps in this article, you can create new plants from cuttings and have them growing in no time.
If you have questions about propagating plants, don’t hesitate to ask us in the comments. We love getting feedback from our readers and helping grow healthy plants worldwide!