Marble Queen Pothos Yellow Leaves: 9 Simple Ways to Fix Them

Yellowing leaves are signs that your pothos are not in good condition. Unfortunately, this is a common issue for many houseplants and makes gardeners’ heads spin.

There are several potential causes for yellow leaves on your pothos plant, including some problems with watering, light, temperature, humidity, soil pH, overfertilization, nutrient deficiencies, pests, and disease.

You can eliminate the problem and give your pothos back their inherent healthy look with proper care and treatment. This article will discuss the causes of yellow leaves on Marble Queen pothos and how to fix the problem.

How to Recognize Marble Queen Pothos Yellow Leaves

Marble Queen Pothos is a type of pothos with variegated leaves in shades of green and white. The Marble Queen with a yellowing leaf signifies that it is in trouble. The leaves on the plant will turn discoloration and may eventually fall off as a result. If this happens, it is vital to find the cause immediately, or else your baby plant could die.

Causes of Marble Queen Getting Yellow Leaves

The most common reasons for this problem are:

  • Improper watering: The leaf will become discolored if you do not water your plant enough. Conversely, the leaves will also turn yellow when you water them too frequently or with too cold or hot water.
  • Improper light: Marble Queens thrive in areas with indirect and medium light. If you allow it to sit under direct sunlight, the leaves will soon turn yellow and eventually brown as a sign of burning due to excessive UV rays from bright sunlight.
  • Temperature fluctuations: If the temperature of the room where the plant is located is constantly changing, it can lead to stress on the plant and cause the leaves to turn yellow.
  • Low humidity: One of the leading causes of stress among houseplants is low humidity levels, which can lead their water molecules to leave cells when surrounded by drier air than what’s inside them; this process is called transpiration. The plant’s leaves will wilt and turn yellow. The crisp brown edges on the leaves can also indicate that they are dehydrated.
  • Unbalanced soil pH: The pH of the soil might harm the leaves if it is too high or too low. The changes in soil pH are caused by various factors, including hard water, erosion, etc. Additionally, the surface layer is affected by applied nutrients and fertilizers like nitrogen or sulfur. To prevent this, test the soil pH regularly and adjust accordingly.
  • Overfertilization: Fertilizers supply nutrients through soluble salts. When the salts in the soil are too high, it can cause young roots to burn and make it hard for plants to absorb water or other nutrients. This results in yellowish-green leaves with scorched margins, wilting during hot weather conditions (since they don’t have enough energy), and stunted growth overall because there isn’t enough food available.
  • Nutrient deficiencies: When plants are malnourished, they often display signs of being unhealthy. The most common symptoms include stunted growth, yellowing plant tissue and veins in leaves, and brown or black dead patches on their surface. Common nutrients that pothos plants need include nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Be sure to fertilize it regularly to prevent nutrient deficiencies.
  • Pest infestation: Similar to Snow Queen, yellow leaves can also be a sign of pests or diseases. Aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, and spider mites are all common pests that can infect pothos plants and cause leaf discoloration.
  • Diseases: Fungi are a common culprit and can cause leaf discoloration and other symptoms such as wilting or stunted growth.
  • Natural process: Another likely reason is that it’s a natural occurrence as the plant ages. As the plant matures, it will produce new, healthy leaves that are larger and more vibrant in color. The older ones will gradually turn yellow and eventually die off. This process is normal and nothing to worry about. If you notice that your pothos plant’s leaves are turning yellow, inspect it closely to try and identify the cause. Once you have determined the cause, you can take steps to correct it and prevent further leaf discoloration.
Marble Queen's yellowing leaves indicate trouble, discoloration, and potential fall.

How to Fix Yellow Leaves on The Marble Queen Pothos

If your Marble Queen plants are starting to show yellow leaves, there are a few things you can do to try to revive them.

Watering It Properly

Watering is a substantial factor contributing to the degradation of the Pothos, though fixing it would be easy enough to change the situation. Avoid using an automatic timer and only give your plant some water when you see enough dry ground below so as not to overwater these delicate leaves.

When watering your plant, try to water it slowly and carefully from above so that the water can soak into the roots. Allow any excess water to drain from the holes in the pot. To keep your plant thriving through the year, you’ll need a watering plan that varies depending on the season. In spring and summer, when plants are thirstiest, you should thoroughly water them.

However, in the winter, you should allow the soil to dry out almost entirely before watering again. This will help prevent your plant from developing discoloured leaves and root rot.

Providing Enough Light

The Marble Queen is a tropical plant that thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. When your pothos is not receiving enough light, there is a high chance that its leaves will turn yellow.

Make sure to place your plant near a window where it can receive plenty of sunlight. However, avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves.

Temperature Balancing

The Marble Queen is a tropical plant that prefers warm temperatures. If the temperature in your home drops below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, the leaves on your pothos may begin to yellow. To prevent this, keep your plant in a warm room that does not experience drastic temperature changes.

Marble Queen plant requires warm weather; low temperatures may cause yellowing leaves.

Proper Humidity

This Marble Queen pothos prefers high humidity levels, so if the air in your home is dry, it may cause the leaves to turn yellow. To increase the humidity around your plant, use a humidifier or place the pot on a pebble tray. Another way is to group your plants; when you do this, the evaporating water will help increase the humidity around them.

Soil pH Balancing

The Marble Queen pothos prefers slightly acidic soils with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. You can test the pH of your soil with a soil test kit. If the pH is not in the correct range, you can amend it by adding either sulfur or lime to raise or lower the pH levels, respectively.


Marble Queen plants should be fertilized regularly to maintain healthy growth. However, if you over-fertilize your pothos, it can cause the leaf to discolour.

When fertilizing, use a balanced fertilizer that is formulated for tropical plants. Apply the fertilizer to the soil and water it well. Avoid getting fertilizer directly on the leaves, as this can burn them.

Providing Enough Nutrients

Plants’ three most common nutrients are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. You should add these nutrients to the soil in the form of fertilizers. You can also get these nutrients from compost or manure. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for proper application.

Pest Extermination

Common pests that attack this plant include aphids, mealybugs, and whiteflies. These pests can suck the nutrients out of the leaves, causing them to turn yellow.

When you suspect your Marble Queen has a pest problem, scrutinize it for any signs of pests. If you see any, you can remove them by hand or treat the plant with an insecticide.

Disease Management

One of the most common diseases that affects this plant is powdery mildew. This fungus can cause the leaves to turn yellow and eventually brown. When you think your Marble Queen has powdery mildew, you can treat it with a fungicide.

One of the most common diseases that affects this plant is powdery mildew

Prevention Tips

The Marble Queen pothos is a beautiful, trailing houseplant often grown for its dramatic green with white leaves. However, the leaf can start to yellow if the plant isn’t properly cared for. Here are some tips to help prevent the yellowing of your Marble Queen pothos leaf:

  • Make sure your Marble Queen pothos is getting enough light. If your plant is in a dark spot, it will start to yellow. The Marble Queen needs bright, indirect light to stay healthy and keep its leaves green.
  • Keep your pothos moist but not soggy. The Marble Queen likes to be kept moist, but you don’t want it to sit in waterlogged soil. Wet soil will cause rot and kill the roots.
  • Feed your plant regularly with good-quality houseplant food. A balanced diet will help keep it healthy and its leaves green.
  • Propagate Marble Queen regularly to keep your plant looking its best. You can propagate Marble Queen through stem cuttings or division.


There are a wide range of reasons why your Marble Queen suffers from bad leaves. Trying to discover them and apply appropriate treatment would help improve the condition. With a bit of TLC, your pothos can return to their former glory in no time! If you have trouble with your plant, try these tips to revive it.

Kelly Lawrence

Kelly Lawrence

Kelly Lawrence is the CEO of Swipe Garden. Over 10 years in the writing and passion for gardening, she brings a wealth of expertise and creativity to the world of gardening. Kelly Lawrence has cultivated a community of plant lovers, making gardening accessible and enjoyable for all.