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When To Repot Fiddle Leaf Fig? The Right Time To Repot

Many ficus owners have trouble determining when to repot fiddle leaf figs. Caring for this plant requires periodic repotting according to its development. It is recommended to repot a fiddle leaf fig every 2-3 years as a basic rule. This duration may vary depending on how much growth it has had. You can negatively influence the development of your plant if you don’t repot it appropriately. Let’s dive right into the details!

When To Repot Fiddle Leaf Fig?

When the root develops strongly, it is time to repot your fiddle leaf fig. When you see roots around the pot’s outside border or clusters of roots on the top emerging out of the pot’s bottom. You can inspect this by gently wiggling and removing the plants from their pot while holding on to the plant’s trunk or base.

The plant may quickly fall out of its container, and you may count the number of roots you see and whether or not they’re running around the pot. Repotting with fresh soil every 2-3 years helps with drainage and aeration, promoting healthy growth for the plant. Before planting with fresh soil, gently split the dirt and shake the old soil off the roots.

Why Should Repot Fiddle Leaf Fig?

Here are some reasons for you to repot the fiddle leaf fig (ficus lyrata). It’s time to get to the process when you witness your plant grow quickly and get rootbound.

Its Quick Growth

When the plant has grown significantly, repoting is necessary to ensure that the entire plant survives well. Those that have gotten root-bound or overgrown have an extensive root system. It prevents the plant from absorbing moisture from the ground.

Recovering From The Trauma

This species is vulnerable to trauma. If it’s been subjected to trauma, you may repot it, like being underwatered or overwatered. When repotting your ficus, operate in a fresh atmosphere and use sterilized potting soil. Avoid using aggressive fertilizers that might burn its roots, which may be disturbed by the repotting procedure. And your plant may be more susceptible to chemicals due to this.

A Rootbound Ficus

This species can get rootbound quickly. When the root has grown so thickly, it creates a tight system that prevents the plant from receiving adequate water and nutrients. You have to repot the ficus into another pot at this stage. This step will allow you to free up more room around its roots.

What Do You Need To Prepare?

Before getting into the nitty-gritty of repotting, there are several things to keep in mind. If you already have your pot, soil, and other items, you can bypass this part. If not, let’s look at what you will need to help the plant be healthy and happy in the coming years.

Choose A Planter

When repotting a fiddle leaf fig, use a pot that is 2-3 inches larger than the root size to allow room for growth. You might be wondering, “Why don’t I just acquire a bigger pot and not have to repot for a long time?” Yet this has turned out to be a poor decision. A smaller planter will also prevent the soil from holding more water than your fiddle-leaf figs need. These species are picky creatures who dislike being too wet or too dry, so keep them out of water.

Focus On Drainage

Take a look at the drainage before moving on from the pot-picking. Moreover, the pot must have adequate drainage and a drainage hole. It will not thrive when it is submerged in water. Alternatively, self-watering equipment is an intelligent choice because it eliminates the guesswork of drainage and watering.

Get Rich Potting Soil

The soil should give your plant adequate drainage, aeration, and nutrition. Fortunately, the high-quality soil on the market is ideal for this. So, you do not have to scour the town for suitable potting soil. Everything will be alright if you select an excellent organic indoor potting medium.

You should have pot, soil, and other items

How To Repot A Ficus Lyrata?

You will make your plant flourish and expand in no time if you follow these repotting procedures.

Step 1: Add Soil To The New Pot

Now, you have chosen a new pot and double-checked that it’s larger than the present one or the root system (about 3 inches). You will need to cover the container with a layer of soil. This layer should be over 2 inches and less than a third up the container.

Step 2: Lift Out The Plant

You can now carefully extract your plant from its present container. Grab a pair of scissors to cut the pot open if it is a fresh FLF still in a plastic pot. This step guarantees that the plant turns out well. Just make sure you don’t cut the roots.

Do not worry if you are repotting from a sturdy planter. A little push at the tree’s base will be enough to draw it up if it is ready to be repotted. You’ll need to clip the roots that have emerged from the pot’s bottom, but that’s not a significant problem.

Step 3: Trim The Outer Roots

That’s great to give your plant’s roots a cut now. After all, you don’t have to take out the fiddle leaf to sever its roots. The massive outer roots provide stability, while the tiny inside roots collect nutrients to nourish the plant. As a result, avoid cutting any smaller roots.

Step 4: Position The Plant In The New Pot

Please place it in the new pot’s center. Ensure the root system has at least 2–3 inches of room around it to develop. Hopefully, you double-checked this before repotting.

Step 5: Fill With Fresh Soil Then Press Down

You may now finish filling the container with the rest of the fresh soil. Make sure there are no gaps in your work, and press down tightly.

Step 6: Water The Plant

When watering the fiddle leaf after repotting, thoughts range. You may wait one or two hours for it to settle before proceeding. Besides, you can water it right away to help it adjust to its new surroundings. Remember that once you have given it an initial watering, you may want to add a little extra soil. This step will depend on how compact you are able to make it.

Step 7: Prune And Clean Leaves

It is necessary to take care of your plant by cutting the yellow leaves. Cleaning your leaves is also a good idea at this time. Use a gently moist cloth to remove all the dust that has accumulated for the best results. Your repotted plant will be in the best possible condition to thrive. It might be time to take a picture of your nicely potted ficus lyrata. In addition, you can encourage your fiddle leaf fig to branch by pruning it regularly.  A branched fiddle leaf fig will be stronger and more stable than a single-trunk plant.

What If You Do Not Want To Repot?

Repotting is not the best solution if your plant has grown as tall as your area allows. One of the best things about fiddle leaf fig is that they will enable you to enjoy a garden without living in a large home. Besides, trimming the roots is another option for repotting into a larger pot, which is challenging to do correctly but highly effective. You will see that its roots have shaped a ball when you pull it out of the soil.

You can prune up to 30% of the root system without causing permanent harm. Now, with some new soil, put it back in its container. The tree will continue to sprout a few new leaves, and the size will remain the same. At least until the roots have grown back and it’s time to re-trim.

Houseplants provide garden-like experience without large homes.


Hopefully, you have received helpful information to answer your question. Instead of fretting about when to repot fiddle leaf figs, follow the procedures above, and you’ll have a strong and growing Ficus in no time. Don’t forget to leave them in the comment section below if you have any questions about gardening. Thanks for your interest in the article!

Janet Rory-Narcissus

Janet Rory-Narcissus

Janet Rory Narcissus is the Gardening Expert of Swipe Garden. She has over 15 years of experience in sustainable and urban farming. Her promotion of eco-friendly practices has made her a respected figure in the gardening community.