“Why is my Monstera drooping?” This is one of the most popular questions from Monstera or Swiss Cheese plant lovers. Don’t panic if your plant looked fantastic yesterday but is sad and feeble today. Almost always, this is extremely natural as well as fixable.
When grown outside, Monsteras are climbing plants that prefer to trail over the edge of the pot or clamber up a post or trellis. They will also easily scale trees and fences. Although there are certain situations where the leaves may start to fade and droop, they are resilient and simple to maintain.
Why Is Your Monstera Foliage To Droop And Wilt?
If your Monstera is drooping, you may examine a variety of other elements, such as the moisture in the soil, and think about Monstera’s contemporary care practices and the roots of the problems. Consider the following likely causes if you notice that your Monstera has stopped being as energetic as usual.
Excessive or Too Little Watering
Your Monstera leaves droop for a variety of reasons, including overwatering and underwatering, both of which are aggravating possibilities. Scale on Monstera can also cause leaves to droop.
Check the soil’s moisture content and give your watering schedule a close examination to see if one of these may be the issue, especially checking for root rot. Your plant may have been overwatered if, a week or more after your last watering, the soil still feels damp (or if a moisture metre indicates wet). Droopiness might also result from underwatering. Fortunately, this is simpler to identify and treat than overwatering.
How to Fix
Monstera plants prefer fresh soil with enough water, not excess water. If you find a waterlogged soil situation in which your Monstera is overwatered, it might not necessarily indicate that you’re watering it improperly or in excess. (However, you’re watering your plants too much if you water them more than once each week.)
The more likely issue is that there is insufficient drainage of the soil and pot. Check first to see if your pots have drainage holes. If it doesn’t, you should urgently repot your Monstera in a pot that does. Don’t forget to keep the root ball intact. In a pot without drainage holes, the plants won’t last long. Moreover, you should check the status of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot regularly to make sure they won’t be blocked.
Give your Monstera’s drooping stems a drink if they are underwater; it’s simple to fix! Give the soil a good soak and let it drain if the soil feels dry a few inches below or if a moisture metre indicates dry soil. From now on, water when the top few inches of soil feel dry or when the moisture metre registers 3–4 on the scale.
Inappropriate Lighting
The phenomenon of drooping Monstera leaves may begin if they don’t receive enough direct sunlight, which they require in large amounts to grow. Droopiness can occasionally also be brought on by too much direct light; however, this is far less often. The obvious sign that your Monstera is receiving too much light will likely be burned leaves.
This could be the problem if your Monstera doesn’t get at least 8 hours of bright light each day and isn’t situated close to a window that lets in light. When the seasons change and the sun’s orientation in the sky shifts, which may also affect the lighting conditions for your Monstera, you can become aware of this problem.
How to Fix
Provide additional light if your Monstera requires it. The best window for Monstera plants is the one that faces east; however, a south or west window can still work well as long as the sun doesn’t directly hit the leaves of the plant. Unless they do, consider using a transparent covering to block the light or simply moving the plant back so that it is not directly in the direction of the sun. Monstera reacts nicely to full-spectrum grow lights if you are unable to give it enough natural light. These screw-in light bulbs are very convenient, and we adore them!
Temperature Shock
Although Monstera plants like warm climates, temperatures exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit can do the plant serious harm. You may take the Monstera outside on nice spring, summer, and autumn days so that you can receive some fresh air.
However, make sure there won’t be any rapid drops in temperature and that the temperature won’t go below 60 degrees while your Monstera is outdoors. Move the Monstera back inside as soon as you see the temperature beginning to drop to shield it from harm.
How to Fix
If you change the location of the pot but still make sure the Monstera’s habitat is kept at temperatures between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, your plant might just need a brief period of time to adapt to the new environment. In the opposite case, the plant will need more time to adapt.
If your Monstera plant is close to a draughty window, door, or vent that blasts the plant with chilly air, be careful to relocate the plant or quickly cover the source of the draft. Droopiness can also be brought on by dry, heated air, but this is less typical. Before droopiness becomes a significant concern, you’ll probably start to have issues with dry leaves.
Pests and diseases
Insects like mealybugs, fungus gnats, thrips, and others can drain the fluids out of your Monstera’s leaves and stems. As a result, the plants could droop from a lack of turgor pressure. To rescue your plant, take quick action if you spot droopiness combined with tiny red or brown spots, cotton webbing, sticky residue, or real insects.
How to Fix
The best method for dealing with insects is generally to remove as many as you can before spraying the plant with a pesticide. Use a hose or kitchen sprayer to thoroughly rinse the plant to get rid of as many insects as you can. Make sure to tilt the container to prevent it from washing into the ground. Lint rollers are also effective for cleaning the leaves. Then spray your plant with insecticidal soap or diluted neem oil. You may need to repeat this process several times over the course of several weeks in order to eradicate new pest generations as they emerge.
How do I return the Monstera plant to its normal form?
Temperature and humidity
These plants must be kept at a reasonable temperature and humidity level when cultivated indoors. If it’s too chilly, their growth and ability to thrive may be limited. If it gets too hot, they will quickly dry up and die. Although they enjoy higher temperatures throughout the winter, humidity must be maintained, and they cannot be allowed to dry out, which can be a problem with heating. During the winter, when feeding livestock with a nitrogen-rich mixture, the longer a plant is kept inside a container, the greater the chance of nutrient deficiency.
As a plant that mostly produces foliage, nitrogen will assist it by keeping the leaves lush and vibrant. To avoid burning the roots and stems or causing yellow leaves as the fertiliser burn spreads throughout the plant, this must be done sparingly and carefully. A light mixture of nitrogen-rich fertiliser applied once a year right before the warmer months is appropriate, according to reliable advice.
Lower light levels are preferable for Monstera plants, which prefer indirect sunlight. The leaves can be harmed by excessive sunlight, especially direct sunlight. In low-lying regions or next to windows that receive early morning or late afternoon sun, Monstera can be well developed. As photosynthesis will be challenging and the plant will struggle to develop, inadequate daylight may also be detrimental. The yellowing of your Monstera plant’s leaves may be greatly reduced if you maintain adequate illumination levels.
Unique, lovely, and simple to cultivate indoor plants are Monstera plants. The spectacular leaves of these plants, which are ornamented with striking hole formations that develop naturally as the plants mature, have captured the hearts of many homeowners.
However, dropping Monstera is inevitable, and, understandably, you will be upset. But, after reading this article, you must have firmly grasped the knowledge to take care of your Monstera.