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Do fiddle leaf figs like coffee grounds or not? The best tips for you

Coffee ground contains many important nutrients for plants, especially nitrogen. However, not all plants are suitable for coffee ground.

How about fiddle leaf figs? Do fiddle leaf figs like coffee grounds or not? If you have a fiddle leaf fig plant in your home, you’re probably wondering these questions. And here’s what you need to know.

Should you apply coffee grounds to your fiddle leaf fig plant? 

Nitrogen is plentiful in coffee grounds. And the addition of nitrogen to fertilizers is crucial for promoting plant growth. However, coffee grounds don’t include the additional nutrients that the plant needs.

For plants that enjoy the acidity of the soil, coffee grounds are useful. However, the majority of houseplants dislike acidic soil.

Fiddle leaf figs prefer a pH level between 6.5-7. If the pH level of the soil surrounding your fiddle leaf fig is lower than 6, you will start to notice issues with it because anything lower than 6 is acidic.

The pH level of coffee changes from 5.2 to 6.9 when it is brewed. Depending on the kind of coffee grounds you’re using, it differs.

As a result, you can use coffee grounds for your plant, but you must use extreme caution while applying coffee grounds to your fiddle leaf fig.

How often should you use coffee grounds in your plant? 

You should apply coffee ground to your fiddle leaf figs once every one to two months

It is true that adding coffee grounds to the soil can aid in plant growth, but doing so too frequently will not be advantageous. Therefore, you should add coffee grounds to fiddle leaf figs once every one to two months.

And don’t forget to check to see if it’s having a positive effect on the plant. If you notice that your plants are experiencing negative symptoms, you should stop fertilizing them with coffee grounds and monitor for a while to see if your plant has a positive change.

The best tips to use coffee ground for your fiddle plant

One note for you: you should not add coffee grounds directly to the fiddle leaf figs soil. Instead, you can refer to the following tips to use coffee grounds more effectively for your plants.

Adding coffee to compost

Coffee grounds are a fantastic source of nitrogen, so adding them to the compost is a great use for them.

To make the compost ideal for your fiddle leaf fig, however, you would need to add additional ingredients since coffee grounds alone can’t give all the necessary minerals, such as phosphorus or potassium.

You may create perfect organic compost for your plants by adding 15-20% coffee grounds to your kitchen or yard garbage.

Never add too much coffee as this can lead to an unbalanced compost and raise the acidity of the soil.

Once the compost is ready, you may give it to your fiddle leaf fig once every 6 to 8 weeks and monitor the plant’s reaction to it.

Making liquid fertiliser from coffee

You can make liquid fertiliser with coffee grounds

It is simple to make liquid fertilizer by placing coffee grounds in a container, adding water, and letting it sit for a week or two.

On a daily basis, stir it. You will observe that the coffee has begun to degrade after a few days, and the nutrients will have dissolved into the water. You can then offer the water to your fiddle leaf fig after straining it out with a cloth.


Coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen and that will benefit your fiddle leaf figs. However, you should not overdo it with coffee grounds because nitrogen is not all the nutrients your plants need. Combine coffee grounds with other nutrients to help your fiddle leaf fig grow healthier.

