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How to save your fiddle leaf fig sunburn?

Since fiddle leaf figs are indigenous to Africa’s tropical climates, they are used to receiving full sun. Fiddle leaf figs grown inside must gradually get used to direct sunshine or they run the danger of getting sunburned.

So what are the symptoms of Fiddle leaf fig sunburn? And how should you handle this situation? All the answers you need will be in this share, do not miss any useful information below.

How much sun does a fiddle leaf fig need?

Since this plant is native to Africa, it can live in direct sunlight. However, it is the Fiddle leaf fig in the wild. As for the Fiddle leaf fig houseplant, they will certainly need to be adjusted to the amount of direct sunlight they receive.

Once acclimatised, they can thrive in direct sunlight for up to 7 or 8 hours everyday. This means, you can move the potted plant to an outdoor area or an area with lots of direct sunlight.

What symptoms indicate sunburn on a fiddle leaf fig? 

Fiddle leaf figs sunburn symptoms (Link)

In fact, when Fiddle leaf figs get sunburnt, you can easily see the signs clearly on the leaves. Here are some of the most noticeable signs.

First, there are a number of indications that your plant may have been sunburned, including brown, crisp areas on the leaf. Particularly close to the light, these patches are frequently blotchy and unevenly spaced across the plant.

In addition, you can also see the surface of the leaves appear white patches, and around them are yellow halos. At the same time, when you touch the leaves, you will notice that the leaves are wilting more than usual.

In addition, at the leaf rim, you can also notice the leaves turning brown and showing obvious signs of dryness. The foliage also weakens and drops, they tend to turn yellow instead of dark green like healthy leaves. This is a sign that the leaves are sunburned and dehydrated. When the Fiddle leaf fig tree is sunburned, you will also notice that the soil is dry, not very moist, and even cracked.

Can your fiddle leaf fig heal from solar damage? 

If the sunburn is not too severe, a fiddle leaf fig can quickly recover. To give your plant a chance to recover, you must relocate it out of direct sunlight. Affected leaves won’t grow back and could need to be pulled off. 

In cases of severe burns, meaning the tree has been sunburned for a long time, the damage may not be so simple. Sunburn can affect the entire surface of the leaf and kill it, and even kill multiple leaves at once and cause serious damage to the plant’s health.

You can only apply the right treatments to reduce the effect of sunburn on Fiddle leaf figs, but it is difficult to restore the tree to full vitality, especially its sunburned leaves.

How can you save your plant from sunburn? 

Some tips to save your Fiddle leaf figs from sunburn

Saving a fiddle leaf fig tree will help the tree return to health more quickly, restoring its beauty and vitality. To save your fiddle leaf fig tree, we’ll give you some tips.

Relocate the plant

Taking it out of the dangerous area is the first thing to do. It’s okay if you leave it out a little too long, but once you get it inside, place it in a sunny area away from the sun’s direct rays. Parking it in the shadow will just make it feel more agitated, so avoid doing so.

Prune infected leaves

After that, remove any leaves with sunspots by pruning. To prevent the spread of illnesses, use clean, precise, and sterilised instruments. It’s also a good idea to wear gloves so you don’t accidentally touch the plant’s toxic sticky white sap.

Additionally, when pruning, never remove more than one third of the overall foliage as this can have a negative impact on your plant’s health.

Add moisture

The final step is to add moisture to your recuperating plant’s habitat in order to improve it. It’s a good idea to have your humidifier running close to your plant if you have one. Mist its leaves to make them less dry and to provide them with water to start the healing process (but not too much because it can cause overwatering problems).


While sunburn may not be serious for Fiddle leaf figs, it’s best to avoid exposing your plants to sunburn. In case your Fiddle leaf fig houseplant is sunburnt, we hope the above information has helped you.

