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How To Clean Orchid Leaves? – Healthy, Dust-Free Foliage

Orchids are a unique type of tropical flowering plant that has beautiful leaves which help retain water and absorb sunlight to nourish the plant. When leaves are in their best state, they can look so lustrous that they almost appear fake. During the care process, dirt, irrigation water residue, and fertilizer remain on the orchid’s leaves, causing the orchid leaves to lose their aesthetic appeal.

In this article, we will discover the answer to the question: “ How To Clean Orchid Leaves?”. Selecting the right cleaning materials to master the gentle touch needed for these sensitive plants is a vital task. The article promises practical tips and easy-to-follow instructions to transform your orchid from eye-catching to outstanding.

How To Clean Orchid Leaves?

Orchid leaves are typically green and vibrant, but how do we make sure those leaves stay that color?. Here are step-by-step guidance:

Step 1 : Choosing the Right Cleaning Solution

To clean orchid leaves, we need to choose a solution that suits our needs. You can choose between natural solutions or purchased ones. Prepare extra gloves and a towel or cotton to soak up the cleaning solution.

Step 2: Check for Insects

Check the soil for dryness and the leaves for insects. If so, water and then spray with insecticide. Because if there are insects on the leaves, cleaning and polishing will be interrupted.

Step 3 : Applying the Cleaning Solution

Take a small amount of cleaning solution on a cotton pad/towel. Then, wipe the solution evenly on the top and bottom sides of the leaves. Make sure you get the cleaning solution into all the nooks and crannies on the undersides of the leaves.

Step 4: Wipe clean

Carefully and gently wipe away all the liquid from the tops and bottoms of the leaves. This ensures that the cleaning solution doesn’t leave behind any residue on the leaves. If you are cleaning multiple orchids, use a fresh paper towel or cotton round for each orchid to avoid transferring substances you clean off of one orchid onto the leaves of another.

How Do I Make Orchid Leaves Shiny?

There are a variety of different things that you can use to clean your orchid leaves, but it really depends on your preferences and what works best for you.

Leaf Shine Spray

A leaf shine spray with gentle ingredients can make cleaning your houseplants’ leaves an easy task. Look for one that does not contain oil. The ingredients used are strong enough to easily remove buildup, but not so strong that you risk damaging the leaves.This is the perfect option for owners with multiple orchids, and people who do not have time to shine.

These mostly contain oils or waxes and compounds to dissolve the oils or waxes into tiny molecules and have added foliar cleaning agents. Sprayers that use compressed air will produce smaller particles than those used with hand sprayers.

Some people believe that if you use things that contain oil or wax, it will clog the tiny holes in the leaves, making it impossible for the leaves to absorb water and fertilizer, causing the leaves to fall. But some people have used it many times and the tree is still fine. However, we should not abuse or use too much. If sprayed a few times a year there is no harm.

Natural Ingredients In Cleaning And Shining Leaves

Join us to learn about natural ingredients that help polish orchid leaves.


This is a straightforward and cheap way to clean your orchid leaves, and it’s almost guaranteed to eliminate any mineral deposits on your leaves. The solution is just lemon squeezed with a bit of water, we would not recommend using stored bought lemon. With this method, make sure you don’t leave the orchids in the sun after applying the lemon juice. Otherwise, this can intensify the sunlight and burn the leaves.

When wiping the leaves, be careful not to spill large amounts of juice onto the soil, as this can interfere with the orchid’s health


It sounds very strange, but the ingredients of mayonnaise can make the leaves of orchids clean and shiny. It simply needs vinegar or lemon juice, oil, egg yolk and salt. You’re probably thinking that salt shouldn’t be used, and you’re right. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t apply this method to the bottom of the orchid leaves.


Although water won’t necessarily remove the mineral buildup on your leaves, it’s a suitable solvent for getting rid of any plain old dust on your orchid leaves. The use of water is usually only for cleaning, not to help polish the leaves. Simply wet a paper towel and wipe it across the leaf, clean it thoroughly.


Although isopropyl alcohol isn’t too practical when cleaning orchid leaves, it’s good if you need to get rid of any pests. We recommend that when you first buy the plant, you should wipe-down with isopropyl alcohol on the leaves. This will wipe away any remaining insects on the leaves and prevent them from damaging the leaves. Better to be safe than sorry!

Diluted Vinegar

Vinegar will have the same effect as lemon and lime. It must be noted that some brands of vinegar are too acidic for orchids, ranging in a pH of around 2.5. Since most orchids prefer to have water around 5.5 to 6.5, this is an extreme acidic overload. It’s important not to break these values; otherwise, the orchid will suffer greatly and might die. We recommend waiting at least two weeks before each application.

How Often Should I Clean My Orchid Leaves?

After knowing how clean and shining orchid leaves are, we have prepared the table to specify the frequency of different solution:

Cleaning SolutionFrequency of Cleaning
LemonsAs needed, but avoid frequent use to prevent acid buildup
MayonnaiseSparingly, as mayonnaise can be heavy on leaves
WaterRegularly, safe for frequent use
AlcoholAs needed for pest control, not for regular cleaning
Diluted VinegarEvery two weeks, ensuring pH balance
Leaf Shine SprayAs specified by product instructions, typically safe for frequent use


The act of cleaning orchid leaves is a delicate balance between maintaining their aesthetic beauty and nurturing their overall well-being. The various methods we’ve discussed, from natural remedies like lemons and mayonnaise to more conventional solutions like leaf shine sprays, offer a range of options to suit different preferences and needs.

Cleaning orchid leaves is a routine that strengthens our connection to nature, improves our plant care knowledge, and provides us delight.

