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Hawaiian Pothos Care: The Ultimate Guide For This Plant

An exceptional foliage plant that makes a wonderful addition to any indoor garden is the Hawaiian Pothos. One of the easiest indoor plants to care for, even for novices, has huge, strikingly patterned leaves that will lend a touch of the tropics to any room.

A unique kind of Pothos that is likely to become a beloved indoor plant is the Hawaiian Pothos. You would think that these plants require a ton of extra care because they are so uncommon, though. You would be mistaken, thankfully, as these pothos are really easy to maintain and even beginner gardeners can develop them into lush, lovely houseplants

Scientific NameEpipremnum aureum
Common NameHawaiian pothos, Pothos
OriginFrench Polynesia
Plant TypePerennial
Bloom TimeSpring (Rare)
SoilWell-drained soil
WaterLow, Moderate
Temperature65 – 90°F
SunlightBright, indirect light

About Hawaiian Pothos

Native to French Polynesia, Hawaiian Pothos has the lush appearance you’d expect from a plant growing in a tropical rainforest. Gorgeous plants have vibrant, glossy foliage that attracts the eye. These interesting leaves have bands of green and gold on them. When the plant is healthy, the leaves can grow to be 5 to 12 inches long and can get extremely enormous.

Anywhere it is planted, the colorful image it makes with its huge, glossy leaves that are bright green with dazzling gold streaks will pop. It may be trained up to support a vertical accent or allowed to trail from a hanging basket due to its mining nature. Hawaiian is a low-maintenance plant that is very simple to cultivate. It is therefore the perfect plant for someone who lacks the knowledge or the time for a more demanding one. 

This Hawaiian pothos plant has vibrant, glossy foliage

Hawaiian Pothos Care

How to grow Hawaiian Pothos indoors? If you follow a few simple care guidelines, growing this type of Pothos and other Pothos varieties (Cebu Blue, Baltic Blue Pothos,..) will be straightforward. To maintain the plants’ lush, full foliage, keep them in a warm location out of direct sunlight, water them sparingly, and feed them once a month. These enormous vining plants will thrive when you take care of the following elements.


Hawaiian Pothos don’t require much in the way of light. The plants are adapted to strong, indirect light that is filtered through the trees in the South Pacific rainforests, where it was first discovered. This is equivalent to 10,000 to 20,000 lux. Without any specialised equipment, you may simply duplicate similar circumstances in your house. Put your Hawaiian pot in a south- or east-facing room away from the sun.

Avoid direct sunlight to avoid bleached or burned leaves and foliage and for better growth. The golden variegation that makes them so appealing may, however, disappear if you store them in a place that is too gloomy. Moving your large-leaf houseplant from low-light to medium-light areas as needed can help them get the light they need to stay colorful.


These plants do not tolerate any moisture in the soil at all; thus, the soil has to be very loose and well-draining. Also, a pH of between 5.5 and 7 should be neutral to slightly acidic. You may use a commercial soil blend for cacti or succulents, which have fairly similar soil needs.

Use common potting soil for houseplants if you wish to create your own custom-blended soil for Hawaiian Pothos. To enhance drainage, combine perlite, sphagnum moss, and sand in an equal ratio. If you’d rather utilize a more ecologically friendly product, coconut coir can be used in place of sphagnum.


You should be careful when watering these kinds of indoor plants to avoid root rot. Dry is preferable to moist when it comes to watering requirements. Hawaiian potting soil does not require a lot of water. The majority of people who grow Pothos just water their plants when the top inch of the soil in the pot becomes dry.

A Hawaiian pothos plant only needs watering every 7 to 10 days, according to this calculation. It’s fantastic that you don’t have to think too much about how frequently to water your pothos since the plant will let you know when it’s too dry. The plant is telling you that it needs a sip of water. The worst thing for these plants is to have soil that is too moist since, in their original rainforests, they are used to well-draining soil that does not hold water.

Unless at least the top half of the soil has dried up, do not water the pothos to avoid root rot. You may use your finger or a moisture meter to check this. By observing how heavy the pot is, you can also gauge how dry the soil is; dirt that is more saturated with water will weigh more. Soak the soil and then let the excess water drain to avoid root rot.


For big plants like this pothos, there are a few different fertilizer options that may be used, and both will maintain lush foliage throughout the plant’s growing season. Every month throughout the spring and summer, use a 20-20-20 liquid-balanced fertilizer. When it goes into its dormant stage in the fall and winter, stop fertilizing.

To guarantee a uniform dispersion of the fertilizer to the roots, add it at the same time as you water the soil. Additionally, you may apply a slow-release fertilizer in granular form to the soil in the early spring that will last the whole of the growing season and has a fertilizer ratio of 10-10-10.In short, this kind of Pothos plant needs balanced liquid fertilizer.


Given that the Hawaiian pothos is a jungle plant, it is not surprising that its preferred temperature range is tropical. The enormous pothos can tolerate temperatures as low as 50 °F (10 °C), although it prefers temperatures between 60 and 90 °F (15 and 32 °C).

Since it lacks frost resistance, cold temperatures will destroy it. Therefore, unless you are in zone 11 or 12, you will need to cultivate it as a houseplant, or at the very least, overwinter it indoors and just bring it outside in the summer when the temperature rises. Keep it away from fans and air conditioning vents inside, where they might chill and harm the delicate foliage.


Again, the requirements for the humidity of the plants are determined by their birthplace in the forest. They thrive in environments with a humidity level between 50 and 75 percent, although they can endure 40 percent without suffering any negative effects.

The tops of the Hawaiian pothos‘ special leaves may start to turn brown if the proper humidity is not provided. Your pothos should ideally be placed in places with naturally moist air, including bathrooms and kitchens. Or you can spray the plants every few days if the surrounding area isn’t viable. Use distilled water instead of tap water since the mineral salts might accumulate on the leaves.

Read more: Baltic Blue Pothos Care: Interesting Fenestration Plants

Hawaiian Pothos Propagation

It’s simple to have other “copied” plants of this kind by the method of propagating. It should be as simple and easy to follow as this process down below:

Step 1: Rooting stem cuttings is the simplest method for growing huge Hawaiian Pothos.

Step 2: Cut off 4-6 inch stems that have at least two or three leaves by cutting them off just below the leaf node. The cuttings should be put in a jar of water after being stripped of all but the two leaves at the stem’s tip.

Step 3: Keep the water changed every few days and place it in a light area away from the sun.

Step 4: The roots should only grow about an inch long and be ready to put up fresh, small seedlings in about a month.

It’s simple to have other “copied” plants of this kind by the method of propagating

Hawaiian Pothos Problems

By closely observing its ideal growth circumstances, the majority of difficulties while growing may be resolved. Make sure it’s kept in a bright, warm area out of direct light and water it sparingly, in addition to keeping an eye out for pests on the leaves.

Most issues with Hawaiian Pothos plants should be avoided by adhering to those straightforward guidelines.


Hawaiian Pothos are hardly ever afflicted by diseases, and most of them may be avoided or treated with appropriate growth conditions. Overwatering or inadequate drainage, which causes the plant to sit in soggy soil, is by far the top culprit for pothos stress, leading to situations such as yellowing, browning, drooping leaves, or even dying out.

Leaf stains caused by bacteria or spider mites prefer moist environments. Yellow spots will appear on the leaves, and they will eventually die and fall off, identifying them as soon as possible. Cut off the unhealthy areas and apply fungicide thereafter. Root rot is caused by wet soil. If the roots have become brown and squishy, remove the plant. If you identify the illness early, remove the affected areas and replant the plant in a pot with improved drainage.

Growing Issues

In hanging baskets, your Hawaiian plant could have a few growth issues, but most of the time you can fix your ill plant by changing the growing environment. It’s definitely receiving too much sunshine if the unique golden variegation on your Hawaiian Pothos‘ leaves is disappearing. It ought to rebound once you move it out of the sun.

For a better growing process, you should check the soil if the leaves are drooping. Reduce watering if the soil is overly damp. Water more often if it’s too dry. Find a warmer location away from chilly drafts if the leaf margins are getting brown and crunchy. Yellow leaves might be a sign of overfertilization. Reduce the amount or frequency of fertilizer.

Read more: Satin Pothos Care: Detailed Guide To Care

Hawaiian Pothos vs. Golden Pothos

Someone wonders if Hawaiian and Golden Pothos are the same plant. These two plants differ primarily in that Hawaiian cultivars have light yellow and green foliage, while Golden Pothos plants have brilliant yellow leaves with some green.

In comparison to Golden Pothos leaves, Hawaiians are bigger. When the Golden Pothos receives enough light, the vines can also occasionally turn yellow; in contrast, when the Hawaiian plant is healthy, the vines always remain green. While it won’t happen with the Hawaiians, the Golden Pothos’ leaves have the potential to grow fenestration or holes in them.

Their differences in the cultivars


We hope you’ve learned some useful tips for raising your big Hawaiian, whether you’re a beginner indoor gardener or a seasoned enthusiast curious to learn more about this specific plant.


  1. Are Hawaiian Pothos rare species?

    One of the harder Pothos plants to find in your neighborhood garden center is frequently Hawaiian Pothos. They are regarded as unusual because they are uncommon compared to other varieties of Pothos. If you do manage to get one of these plants, you should treat it well because it can be challenging to get a replacement.

  2. Can we grow Hawaiian Pothos indoors?

    The amazing foliage plant of this kind is a wonderful addition to any indoor garden. It’s one of the easiest indoor plants to care for, even for novices, and its huge, strikingly patterned leaves will provide a tropical vibe to any room.

  3. How does Hawaiian Pothos get big leaves?

    It has been noted that Pothos bears large-sized leaves when it is stretched on any form of support, such as a rope or pole. Because these plants climb up over the surrounding trees in their natural habitat, they receive enough sunlight and airflow to support large development.

Kelly Lawrence

Kelly Lawrence

Kelly Lawrence is the CEO of Swipe Garden. Over 10 years in the writing and passion for gardening, she brings a wealth of expertise and creativity to the world of gardening. Kelly Lawrence has cultivated a community of plant lovers, making gardening accessible and enjoyable for all.